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"Where Legends become Immortal"

Entry 1

Congratulations: Fail at Battling

Inducted: 3/18/2014

Ace: Clefable


Fail at battling successfully beat the Aftermath League on his fourth attempt against the Elite 4. He is a very quiet and busy individual as he prefers his battling skill to speak for him. He proved to be a master of the art of stall; if you face this trainer, prepare for a very long and challenging battle.

Vicious is truly a vicious battler. After a long and grueling journey through Mirova, he finally achieved his goal of entering the Hall of Fame. Vicious gives credence to the Mirovan value of never giving up until you reach your full potential. Vicious is a very balanced battler and is very experienced as a ground leader. He is a friend of many league members and has recently joined AM as the new ground gym leader.

Congratulations: Vicious

Inducted: 3/21/2014

Ace: Excadrill


Entry 2

Congratulations: Poker

Inducted: 7/11/2014



Entry 3

Congratulations: TurtleLord

Inducted: 7/11/2014



Entry 4

Closeknit Community  :  Quality Members  :  Tested by Time

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