Welcome To Aftermath's Cosplay Tournaments
Every Monday, we have a special tournament hosted on Challonge called the Cosplay tournament! The winner gets 10 bucks, and a picture of their character along with their name on the Welcome Message!
Interested in Participating?
Each battle will be fought in the TierShift Format, where Pokemon From NU get 15 added to eash of their Base Stats, RU gets 10, and UU gets 5. Participants must use a character that either appeared in the Anime, Manga, or both. Once you have selected a character, you may use Any pokemon they have ever caught or trained from the game, anime, and manga all in one team. You may customize your sets, evs, and Items. All protagonists (Red, Brendon, etc) Are not allowed to use their in game sets. Only the ones from the Manga are allowed, except for Crystal and Origins Red, who are banned entirely, Ash and Lance are also banned.
Check your teams here. Our refs, AM GL Jets and Kammi, will check your teams mid tour to make sure they are legit.